Shawn Sevario, Director

Office Hours

Monday – Thursday = 7:00am – 4:30pm

Friday = 7:30am – 11:30am

Phone: 225-450-1200

Mission Statement

The Ascension Parish Mosquito Control mission or primary objective is to provide a means of controlling the transmission of mosquito-borne illness by reducing the Parish’s mosquito population to a tolerable level in the safest, most economical manner using a verity of methods in such a way as to minimize potential effects on people, wildlife and the environment parish wide

Secondary objectives are:

  • Freedom from mosquito nuisance in homes and workplaces.
  • Increased efficiency of employees in outdoor occupations.
  • Increased use and enjoyment of outdoor recreational activities.

Our job, therefore, is twofold:

  1. Locate and treat areas we have access to that are breeding or have the potential to breed.
  2. To eliminate those mosquitoes that has taken to wings (flying adults).

The Mosquito Control Department treats Parish ditches for mosquito larva to control mosquito production.

The Department advises the general public of possible breeding sites, and how to avoid them!

Mosquito Breeding Prevention

It is the responsibility of the property owner to prevent mosquito breeding sources. In the event a breeding source is found, the owner must treat the problem and take steps to prevent the recurrence of breeding.

The immature stages of the mosquito (egg, larva, and pupa) develop in standing water. It takes seven to ten days from the time a mosquito lays her eggs, until 100 to 400 larvae (wrigglers) begin their life, possibly in your backyard.  The size of the container of water doesn’t matter, as mosquito larvae and pupae are small.

Reduce the Mosquito Population On Your Property!

  • Eliminate stagnate water on your property! Mosquitoes can develop in a puddle or standing water lasting longer than four (4) days.
  • Check gutters for debris and any areas where water could potentially pool.
  • Change bird bath water at least twice a week or more frequently.
  • Change water in outdoor pet dishes frequently.
  • Turn over watering containers, flower pots, buckets, wheelbarrows, any object that can collect water.
  • Check your property for standing puddles that do not dissipate.
  • Chlorinate pools and hot tubs.
  • Eliminate standing water on the covers of pools and hot tubs that are not open for the season.
  • Aerate ornamental ponds, pools and fountains.
  • Make sure trash cans are tightly sealed and or drill drainage holes in the bottom.
  • Remove old tires. Tires make the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes.
  • Check for forgotten items behind garages and sheds.


Heartworms are contagious, but not directly from an infected dog to another dog. In all cases, baby heartworms must be transferred to a mosquito, and then injected into the next dog (or back into the same dog) by the mosquito, before they can grow into adults. So dogs acquire heartworms from being bitten by a mosquito that is carrying heartworms from an infected dog.

Help Stop Dog Heartworms
by taking a two-fisted control approach:

  1. Have your dog checked by a vet at least once a year.  Use the medication prescribed religiously.  Even missing just one night’s medication can allow your dog to become infected.
  2. Stop the mosquito vector by destroying mosquito breeding places around you home!

If there are any places around your home where water collects, such as water-holding containers, house cooler drains, and ornamental ponds, you may be raising the very mosquitoes that bother you or transmit heartworms to your dog!


West Nile Virus
Man, Animals
Encephalitis(Sleeping Sickness)
Man, Horses
Yellow Fever
Dengue Fever
Equine Infectious Anemia


What is West Nile Virus (WNV)?

West Nile is a type of virus that causes encephalitis or inflammation of the brain.  The virus has occurred in Africa, Western Asia, the Middle East, the Mediterranean region of Europe and recently in the United States.

How do people get West Nile virus encephalitis?

Mosquitoes become infected with the virus after feeding on infected wild birds and then transmit the virus through bites to people, animals and other birds.  The American Crow appears to be the most severely affected, but WNV has also been found in other domestic birds including doves, sea gulls, robins, blue jays, hawks, herons, and eagles.  Birds serve as the reservoir hosts of WNV, and the principal vector in the transmission from one bird to another is the Culex mosquitoes.  WNV has also been found in several species of Aedes mosquitoes, which could serve as bridge vectors by transmitting it to humans or horses.

What are the symptoms of WNV infection?

Most infections produce no symptoms in people, or symptoms are mild or moderate.  Symptoms may include: fever, headache, sore throat, fatigue and body aches, often with skin rash and swollen lymph glands. More severe infections may be marked by headache, high fever, neck stiffness, muscle weakness, stupor, disorientation, convulsions, paralysis, coma, and rarely, death.

How is West Nile encephalitis treated?

There is no specific therapy.  In more severe cases, intensive supportive therapy is indicated;  that is, hospitalization , intravenous fluids, airway management, respiratory support (ventilator) if needed, prevention of secondary infections (pneumonia, urinary tract, etc.), and good nursing care.

What is the incubation period in humans?

Symptoms usually appear 5 to 15 days from the time a mosquito carrying WNV infects a person.

What proportion of people die when infected with West Nile Virus?

Since the majority of infected persons are asymptomatic, the fatality rates is less than 1%.  However, case  fatality rates for hospitalized patients is around 5%, and are highest in the elderly.

What should I do if I find a dead bird?

West Nile virus infects certain wild birds. Crows, jays, ravens, and magpies tend to become sick and die from infection. Increasing numbers of dead birds may be an indication of West Nile virus in your community. You can help by reporting dead crows and other birds to your local Mosquito Control Office. Use gloves or double plastic bags to place the carcass in a garbage can.

Information reproduced from Center for Disease Control’s

To make a Mosquito Spray Request please follow the link below:

Spray Request