Mission Statement
The mission of the Ascension Parish Citizens Service Center is to serve the residents of the Parish by managing requests for public services with a centralized call center, an online portal, and database. These systems are capable of recording departmental activities, distributing work orders, and following through on specific service categories offered by Ascension Parish Government. We will be an advocate for greater transparency and efficiency in documenting and responding to public inquiries for public service, and will be the point of distribution for requests for public service throughout the parish government. We are committed to effective actions designed to improve government accountability and provide residents with key information regarding their request for services that they pay for and are entitled to.
Documents Section
For Emergency Response Officials
Important Links
- Community Awareness Emergency Response (CAER)
- LA Governor’s Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness (LAGOHSEP)
- American Red Cross (ARC)
- National Weather Service (NWS)
- National Hurricane Center
- US Federal Emegency Management Agency (FEMA)
- US Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
- State Tier II Reporting Requirements and Procedures
- Louisiana State Emergency Response Commission
- Louisiana State Police Emergency Services Unit (HAZMAT)
- Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know
- SARA Title III
- National Association of SARA Title III Program Officials
- HAZMAT Nation