Patrice Frazier Johnson CCEO, Chief Code Enforcement Officer
Logan Webb, Code Enforcement Officer
Allisyn Bracy, Code Enforcement Administrative Assistant
The Code Enforcement’s goal is to protect life, safety, and property through the enforcement of the Ascension Parish Code of Ordinances. We also enforce standards for the maintenance and regulation of property, buildings, and structures in the Parish of Ascension.
Code Enforcement Officers enforce the Codes professionally and consistently in order to enhance the quality of life, safety, health, and welfare for the citizens of Ascension Parish.
We seek voluntary compliance for Code violations; however, we may proceed with citations, civil penalties, development penalties, or Parish Council actions if necessary.
Please contact the Code Enforcement Division at (225) 450-1200 if you have any questions or need further assistance.
If you are looking to submit a complaint regarding a nuisance you see in our parish (such as junked vehicles, outside white goods, dilapidated homes, etc.) contact the Citizen Service Center. A customer service representative will take information regarding the location and nature of the violation. You must have the address of the property.
The Code Enforcement Officer will conduct an inspection of the property, as soon as possible, typically within 24 hours of your complaint. If it is determined that there is a violation on the property, the officer will issue a notice of violation.
View the Complaint Process Roadmap HERE.
General Code Enforcement Questions 225-450-1002
To Submit a Complaint (225) 450-1200
Any violation that violates the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC). The International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) is a model code that regulates the minimum maintenance requirements for existing residential and commercial buildings. The IPMC is intended to establish minimum standards for basics such as structural conditions, lighting, ventilation, sanitation, and fire safety.
The IMPC was adopted by ordinance by the Ascension Parish Council on November 4, 2021.
A hard copy can also be viewed at the Governmental Complex during normal business hours. Copies are NOT permitted by the copyright.
Anonymous Complaints are NOT accepted, a non-disclosure option available. If the case goes to court, the defendant may be able to petition the court for the release of the complainant’s name.
Your complaint will be processed or referred to the necessary department in the order it was received; however, complaints involving public safety or environmental hazards may be expedited.
The Code Enforcement Officer will conduct an inspection of the property, as soon as possible, typically within 24 hours of your complaint. If it is determined that there is a violation on the property, the officer will issue a notice of violation
All of the Ordinances for Ascension Parish can be viewed at:
The International Property Maintenance Code is an internationally recognized and used document, designed to provide minimum standards to safeguard life or limb, health, property and public welfare by regulating and controlling the use and occupancy, location and maintenance of all residential buildings and structures within the jurisdiction of the city.
Yes. Code Enforcement cannot resolve matters such as, property line disputes, tree branches or limbs hanging onto your property, subdivision covenants and deed restrictions. These issues are best handled by an attorney, as they tend to be civil matters.
Complaints or concerns regarding parking in the street, noise, including dogs, should be referred to the Police Department.
All other complaints can be processed by the Citizen Service Center (225)450-1200
All of the Ordinances for Ascension Parish can be viewed at:
The Code Enforcement Officer performs a visual inspection from the right of way based on the Parishes’ currently adopted Property Maintenance Code. The Code Enforcement Officer then issues a Violation and Order detailing any code violations that require correction.
The inspection is a minimum property maintenance inspection made exclusively for the use of the municipality in determining the premises’ compliance. The inspection is limited to observations readily visible without moving or removing any item. Concealed, internal, or hidden damage or defects may not be observed.
- Does each unit have address numbers that are clearly visible from the street (at least 4″ high)? (304.3)
- Is the yard maintained (grass under 24″, no tall weeds)? (302.4)
- Is all rubbish stored in appropriate containers and removed regularly? (308)
- Is the exterior in good repair? Siding, brick, or paint free of chips or deterioration? (304.2)
- Is the roof in good repair with no major deterioration? No overhanging tree limbs or branches? (304.7)
- Is the chimney in good repair and safe condition? (304.11)
- Is the foundation in good repair, level with no cracking or deterioration? (304.5)
- Are the premises free of infestation such as insects, rats, and/or other vermin? (302.5)
- If the property has a swimming pool, is it protected by a 48″ barrier or fence in good repair, with a self-latching, self-closing gate? (303)
- Are all residents’ vehicles properly registered and licensed? (302.8)
- Are any accessory structures( garages, sheds, fences) structurally sound and in good repair? (302.7)
- Are there any broken or cracked windows? (304.14)

For questions and concerns regarding permits,inspections, and/or plan review you can email