Mission Statement:
The Office of Planning and Development is charged with the duties of administering the Parish Subdivision Regulations, the Parish Development Code, assisting the Planning Commission, Zoning Commission, Board of Adjustments, and all duties and tasks required to administer the Parish’s development rules, and such tasks and duties as may be assigned by the Ascension Parish President or governing authority.
Ascension Parish Unified Land Development Code Book Online
Online Payment & Application Submittals:
The Ascension Parish Planning and Zoning Department now has the ability to accept applications and payments online to provide better customer service. We are asking that everyone who can, use the new system. It will allow us to track progress in real time and have a better way to inform and update the customer. If you choose to submit your application via email and deliver payment to our office, it will still be accepted.
Beginning May 1, 2024, accepted payment methods by the Planning and Zoning Department will be credit cards, checks, money orders and cashier’s checks. Please make checks payable to: ASCENSION PARISH GOVERNMENT.
Credit Cards Accepted (Visa, MasterCard, Discover) plus a $3.50 service charge per transaction.
Cash will NOT be accepted.
Online Site Information: www.MGOconnect.org
MGO Connect User Guide for Online Permitting
Fill Permit Information
Requirements for Grading-Fill Permit
Grading-Fill Permit Application
Fill-Grading Permit Sample Plans
Notice of Completion Affidavit-Level 1 Grading-Fill Permit
If qualified for an exemption per Section 17-5094.B of the new Drainage Ordinance, contact the Department of Planning and Development.
Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance, effective August 2024
The Ascension Parish Council modified the Transportation Impact Fee August 2024. CLICK HERE for the revised schedule of fees.
To review the Transportation Impact Fee map outlining the three districts and the roads eligible for funding, CLICK HERE