Recent News
Ascension Parish President Clint Cointment is tired of seeing litter in the ditches and along roadways and is doing something about it. He has organized DPW grass-cutting crews to pick up litter during slow periods. “During the winter, grass is cut much less often, or it is too wet to cut,” said Cointment. “Now we are utilizing existing personnel to perform these related duties during off times. Plus, these people know the roadways as well as anyone; they know where the problem areas are.”
Parish crews have been working along Airline Highway (US 61) in Prairieville, starting at Bayou Manchac in the north and working south.
“We are making an extra effort to make and keep Ascension beautiful,” said Cointment. “I ask all of our citizens to help us by disposing of trash properly.”
President Cointment urges residents to call the Citizens Service Center at 225-450-1200 to request services or to report problem areas.
For more information on Keep Ascension Beautiful and the Ascension Recycling Center please view the links below or call: 225-450-1506
Keep Ascension Beautiful, funded by APPD and APG, is an initiative to educate and actively engage community members and business partners in order to promote sustainability and develop, a clean and environmentally friendly Ascension Parish.
Affiliated with Keep Louisiana Beautiful and Keep America Beautiful
Focus Areas: Education and Awareness, Recycling and Conservation, Litter Control and Enforcement