Mission Statement
The mission of the Ascension Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness is to serve the citizens of the Parish through effective planning for natural and man-made disasters. Our goal is to save lives and to protect property through the coordination of an integrated emergency management system with all emergency response organizations, support services and volunteers. We will be an advocate for greater community efforts, including educating the general public to mitigate and prepare for potential emergencies. We will support efforts to train and exercise emergency responders in both the public and private sectors. We will manage and coordinate efforts toward a rapid recovery from disasters with an effective disaster assistance program. This office will be the point of distribution of Homeland Security information and intelligence to agencies throughout the parish. We are committed to effective actions designed to prevent some disasters and to reduce the impact of those over which we have no control.
For Emergency Response Officials
Emergency After Hours Contacts
About the LEPC:
The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), as established pursuant to Section 301 of SARA Title III, shall prepare regional hazardous materials emergency plans that indicate the facilities that use, produce, or store hazardous substances that are present in the jurisdiction. The LEPC shall serve as the repository for regional reports filed under Title III. The LEPC shall direct regional Title III implementation activities and perform associated outreach functions to increase awareness and understanding of an compliance with the Title III program. Additionally, The LEPC is the organization that has oversight of the parish all hazards plan and the disbusment and monitoring of Homeland Security grants.
Reportable Incident to the LEPC:
Ascension Parish government is tasked with housing all TIER II and reportables through the “right to know act”. THE ASCENSION PARISH 911 DISPATCH CENTER serves as the LEPC answering point for all reportables in Ascension Parish. Reportables should be made by calling 225-621-8300 or by calling 911.
Right To Know Requests:
All information related to hazardous material “right to know” request should be made via a Public Records Request.
Public Information Requests:
Please click HERE to download a Public Records Request Form.
Complete the form and email it to Andria.Dollar@APGov.us, or deliver it to:
Custodian of Public Records Andria Dollar
Ascension Parish Governmental Complex
615 East Worthey St
Gonzales LA 70737
Annual TIER II Submission
The following links will assist in clarifying any laws and answering any questions
pertaining to Tier II filing.
- Louisiana Revised Statues (LRS) 30:2361 – 30:2380
- Louisiana Administrative Code (LAC) – Title 33 Part V Subpart 2 Chapter 101
- 40 CFR 68
- 40 CFR 355
Failure to comply with the state rules and/or submission of an incorrectly completed Tier Two form could result in enforcement action.
On or before March 1 of each year, owners or operators must electronically submit the Tier Two form to:
(1) The Louisiana Emergency Response Commission,
(2) The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) of the parish in which the facility is located. Ascension Parish TIER II Reports may be submitted to the LEPC via e-mail at oep@apgov.us
While an electronic version is preferred, you may also send a copy to:
Ascension Parish LEPC
828 S. Irma BLVD, Building 3
Gonzales, LA 70737
(3) The local fire department having jurisdiction over the facility. (Contact your local fire department to determine if they have internet capabilities.)
Any owner or operator who violates any Louisiana reporting requirement regarding submission of the Tier Two form shall be liable to the State of Louisiana for civil penalties of up to $25,000 per violation.
Report the chemical inventories that meet the reportable threshold you had on site on any
single day for the preceding calendar year, beginning January 1 and ending December 31.
Please remember that you are reporting for the previous calendar year just like filing taxes.
General Inquiries to the LEPC Can Be Made By Contacting:
Email: oep@apgov.us
Phone: 225-621-8360
The Ascension Parish Sheriffs Office Serves as the lead agency in ALL Hazardous Material Events. The Ascension Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness serves as a coordinating agency that may request resources to the state of Louisiana, should assistance be needed from the Hazmat team. Temporary sheltering is coordinated through the incident commander on-scene. If long term sheltering is needed, Ascension Parish Government may then activate the Emergency Operations Center, situation dependant.
The Ascension Parish CAER Organization meets all requirements of the local LEPC. All industrial partners interested in attending a local LEPC meeting should contact the Ascension Parish CAER organization, as LEPC invitations are coordinated strictly through the CAER organization. (Link to CAER Page https://caer.memberclicks.net/)
LEPC Emergency Notification Procedures- Tier II Facilities
Correction of the Interpretation of Tier II Repository Agreement 2017