Mission Statement
The mission of the Ascension Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness is to serve the citizens of the Parish through effective planning for natural and man-made disasters. Our goal is to save lives and to protect property through the coordination of an integrated emergency management system with all emergency response organizations, support services and volunteers. We will be an advocate for greater community efforts, including educating the general public to mitigate and prepare for potential emergencies. We will support efforts to train and exercise emergency responders in both the public and private sectors. We will manage and coordinate efforts toward a rapid recovery from disasters with an effective disaster assistance program. This office will be the point of distribution of Homeland Security information and intelligence to agencies throughout the parish. We are committed to effective actions designed to prevent some disasters and to reduce the impact of those over which we have no control.
For Emergency Response Officials
Emergency After Hours Contacts
Emergency After Hours Contacts
Life Threatening: 911
Water/ACUD1 & PUA: (225) 450-1078
-Fire Hydrant hit
-Water main broke (water filling up road)
Sewer/ACUD2 (Parish Utilities maintained only): (225) 450-1079
-Sewer backing up in house/street/property
-Sewer system alarm or lift station alarm
DPW Related Items/Sheriff’s Office: 621-8300
They will contact who is on call
-Tree fell across road
-Signage or Lighting down
-Bridge damaged
Building Department: (225) 348-2067
-Emergency after-hours inspection required