Mission Statement

The mission of the Ascension Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness is to serve the citizens of the Parish through effective planning for natural and man-made disasters. Our goal is to save lives and to protect property through the coordination of an integrated emergency management system with all emergency response organizations, support services and volunteers. We will be an advocate for greater community efforts, including educating the general public to mitigate and prepare for potential emergencies. We will support efforts to train and exercise emergency responders in both the public and private sectors. We will manage and coordinate efforts toward a rapid recovery from disasters with an effective disaster assistance program. This office will be the point of distribution of Homeland Security information and intelligence to agencies throughout the parish. We are committed to effective actions designed to prevent some disasters and to reduce the impact of those over which we have no control.


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Main Office Phone Number


Office Address

828 S. Imra Blvd. Building 3

Gonzales, LA 70737

Office Hours

Monday – Thursday = 7:30am – 5:00pm

Friday = 7:30am – 11:30am



Rick Webre


Rachael Wilkinson

Assistant Director225-450-1208225-644-3039rwilkinson@apgov.us

Charles Brown

Logistics / Supply Office225-450-1217225-644-3039cbrown@apgov.us

Dustin Montelius

Operation Section Chief225-450-1202225-644-3039dmontelius@apgov.us

Eric Deroche

Discovery Recovery Manager225-450-1206225-644-3039ederoche@apgov.us

Michele Rayborn

Planning and Intelligence Section Chief225-450-1220225-644-3039mrayborn@apgov.us

APOHSEP Staff Contact Information

Documentation Unit Leader/Executive Assistant:

Responsible for performing clerical and documentation tasks to assist the staff and organization.
  • Manages all Homeland Security Grants and budget.
  • Maintains office budget.
  • During emergencies coordinates with Ascension Parish Government Departments to record all reimbursable expenses from FEMA.
  • Ensures compliance with federal, state and local grant administration doctrine.
  • Research possible grants that would be beneficial to OHSEP and the parish then coordinates with the parish grants office for submittal.
  • Is appointed as a liasion to the following organizations:
    • Louisiana Emergency Preparedness Committee (LEPC)
    • Geismar Mutual Aid (GAMA)
    • Community Awareness Emergency Response (CAER)

Logistics Supply Officer:

Responsible for ordering, storing, inventorying, receiving and distribution of logistics and supplies in suuport of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) staff, parish first responders, and Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness.
  • Develops and implements the parish wide emergency logistics plan.
  • Works with federal and state agencies to implement POD placement and operations during an emergency.
  • Maintains the AP OHSEP fixed assest report and conducts quarterly inventories and inspections.
  • Monitors all hospitals, shelter operations, nursing homes, transportation, food and water distribution, volunteers and donations and Home Health agencies.
  • Maintains a warehouse of emergency supplies for the Parish of Ascension.
  • Is appointed as a liaison to the following organizations:
    • Louisiana Emergency Preparedness Committee (LEPC)
    • Community Awareness Emergency Response (CAER)
    • Geismar Mutual Aid (GAMA)
    • Ascension Parish Health Unit
    • Local Hospitals, Louisiana Hospital Association (LHA), and Louisiana Health and Hostpitals (LHH)
    • Ascension Parish School Board (APSB)
    • Mutual Aid Committee
    • American Red Cross (ARC)
    • Louisiana Department of Social Services (DSS)
    • FEMA
    • Gonvernor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP)
    • Local and regional contractors and vendors
    • Local and regional volunteer organizations

Operations Training Officer:

Responsible for performing emergency management operations training tasks to assist the staff and organization of the Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Department.

  • Performs as the primary trainer for the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness.
  • Develops programs of instructions, lessons and training aids.
  • Maintains training and certification records on personnel involved with emergency management.
  • Ensures that Ascension Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness training is aligned with the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness and the National Incident Management System doctrine.
  • Coordinates with local first responders and leaders of emergency support functions to ensure continuity of operations.
  • Has the overall responsibility for coordinating with the following local agencies and functions for planning, training  and emergency operations:
    • Law Enforcement
    • Fire
    • Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
    • USAR (Urban Search and Rescue)
    • HAZMAT
    • Public Works
    • Energy and Utilities
    • Louisiana Emergency Response Commission (LERC)
    • Local Emergency Response Committee (LEPC)
    • Community Awareness Emergency Response (CAER)
    • Geismar Mutual Aid (GAMA)

Planning Intelligence Officer:

Responsible for planning and intelligence gathering tasks to assist the EOC staff and the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness.

  • Has overall responsibility for the storm tracking and assessment systems, intelligence gathering systems, HAZMAT plume modeling, public alerting and warning, and critical infrastructure.
  • Provides input for the development and maintenance of the OHSEP website.
  • Develops and maintains the parish multi hazards plan.
  • Develops all emergency operations plans (EOP).
  • Coordinates with outside agencies to develop (Memorandum of Understanding) MOU’s necessary to conduct emergency operations.
  • Is appointed as a liasion to the following organizations:
    • Louisiana Emergency Response Commission (LERC)
    • Local Emergency Response Committee
    • National Oceanic and Atmospheric and Administration (NOAA)
    • National Weather Service (NWS)
    • United States Geological Service (USGS)
    • Louisiana Bankers Association (LBA)
    • Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LA DOTD)
    • Ponchatrain Levee District
    • US Coast Guard
    • FirstCall
    • Geismar Area Mutual Aid (GAMA)
    • Community Awareness Emergency Response (CAER)
    • Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP)
    • FEMA
    • Ascension Parish Waterways Commission