Most of casinos which offer different gambling games as well as fantastic four slot games use the services of a water utility to ensure that their guests have access to clean and potable water. By working with a reputable water utility, casinos can ensure that their guests are getting top-quality water and that any potential environmental issues are taken care of.

The proximity of casinos to water utilities has led to a number of interesting partnerships between the two industries. For example, many casinos use water utilities to provide cooling during hot summers months. In return, water utilities receive payment from the casino for this service.

Another example is how casinos use water utilities to flush their toilets. Many casinos install an underground system that pumps wastewater from the casino floor into nearby rivers or lakes. This system helps clean up gambling areas and reduces the amount of sewage that ends up in local waterways.

Ascension Parish Water Utilities

Jason Licciardi, Director

Water Utilities Business Office
419 Memorial Drive, Donaldsonville, LA 70346


Office Hours
Monday – Thursday 7:30am – 4:30pm

Water Systems & Contact Information

The Ascension Parish Utilities Department operates two water systems in Donaldsonville, LA:

Ascension Consolidated Utility District No. 1 (ACUD1)
Service Area: Serving areas outside the City of Donaldsonville on the west bank of Ascension Parish.

Parish Utilities of Ascension (formerly Peoples Water Service Company)
Service Area: Serving inside the City of Donaldsonville.

For service and billing inquiries, please contact: 225-450-1200

After-Hours Emergency Contact ONLY
For after-hours emergencies ONLY (Donaldsonville customers only; not for billing or payments), please call (225) 210-3030.

Ascension Water
Service Area: Darrow only, owned by the Parish of Ascension and managed by Baton Rouge Water.
For service inquiries, please contact: Baton Rouge Water at (225) 952-7666.

Other Water Systems within Ascension Parish
Water systems under private management should be contacted directly for service inquiries.

Gonzales Water Utilities: (225) 647-2841
Prairieville-Ascension Water: Managed by Baton Rouge Water. For inquiries, contact (225) 952-7666.

Sewer Inquiries
Please contact National Water Infrastructure at 225-673-3156.




We are pleased to announce that our water system has been thoroughly assessed, and no lead service lines have been detected. To reach this conclusion, we conducted a comprehensive inventory of all water service connections within our system. This involved reviewing historical records and construction documents to identify the materials used in each service line. Additionally, our team carried out visual inspections at selected locations, carefully assessing the materials of service lines for any signs of lead.
These thorough efforts ensure the continued safety and quality of our drinking water. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us.


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